Moonlight Radio - The On-Line Jukeboxes
Elaborately Packaged Music



Images at left, from top to bottom:

REAR COVER (detail) features broken mirror shards glued on, referring to the scene in the accompanying story book where the mirror is shattered, thousands of shards are scattered across the floor, each reflecting the brutalizer's image back to him after he committed the heinous act. In making this package, I estimate I've acquired several thousand years of bad luck...

COVER GIRL IMAGE is a positive rendering of the negative featured on the cover, screened onto a vellum transparency.

The RECORD is riveted in between two transparent sheets. When rotated, the images form the famous moire patttern optical illusion. The clear vinyl adds to this phenomenon. A black vinyl record is available for those who do not wish to dismantle this scultpure to play the record.

STORYBOOK cover image. Typically, IOS was primarily concerned with issues of international politics. This project examines the illusion of safety in our own homes by taking on the issue of domestic violence.

CARD INSERT with credits and hand numbered authentication.